Child Safety

Child Safety

Roadside Assistance for Car

Probably you might consider this topic unecessary if you’re single or married with not children. Well think again. You might save a child’s life today or prevent an accident if you look closer and pay attention for the little ones.

The safety of children is always a primary concern when it comes to driving and many laws are in place to ensure that young children are correctly restrained in car seats while the car is moving. Unfortunately, often overlooked by even the most vigilant of parents is the safety of toddlers in and around vehicles that are stationary. Tragedies like “backovers,” “frontovers,” and heat stroke deaths are on the rise and sadly account for 80% of all non-traffic fatalities for children under age 15.

Leaving Children unattended in cars

In August of 2000, 6-month-old Kaitlyn Russell died of hyperthermia after being left in a van by her baby-sitter. The temperature in the van reached 130 degrees. This event, as well as the many other unnecessary deaths of young children who were left in unattended motor vehicles, has spurred our legislature to pass Kaitlyn’s Law. This law states that you may not leave a child that is 6 years of age or under unattended in a motor vehicle if there are conditions that present a risk, if the engine is running, or if the keys are left in the ignition. A child under the age of 6 years old may be left in a vehicle if a person 12 years of age or older is supervising that child. A fine of $100 will be levied for a violation of this law as well as other fines and penalties authorized by existing laws related to child endangerment.

Doctors warn that if the outside temperature is 90 degrees, it could be 110 degrees inside a car. Within minutes the temperature can climb to 150 degrees or more. In a short time, a child can become dehydrated with the body’s internal temperature climbing above 107.

The following is a list of just a few of the many dangers that can occur if a child is left unattended in a vehicle:

Hyperthermia (overheating) or Hypothermia (freezing)
Car theft with child inside
Injuries caused by power windows or sunroof
Carbon monoxide poisoning if the vehicle is still running
Injuries to bystanders or car occupants if car is shifted into gear
Parents, caregivers, and drivers can help minimize potential in-car tragedies by taking the following precautions:

NEVER leave the keys in the ignition when you are not in the car, even for a few seconds.
At home, keep your car keys in a safe place where children cannot reach them.
Always set the parking/emergency brake when parking.
Unattended car doors should always be locked.
If you drive a vehicle with manual transmission, never leave it in neutral.
Warn your kids that they should never get into the trunk of a car
ALWAYS make sure that your child is restrained in a DOT approved child seat until they are 8 years old or they are at least 4 feet 9 inches tall
Make sure you do not place heavy items you may be transporting anywhere near your child as they may tip over
Educate your family, baby-sitters and friends about the dangers involved with leaving a young child alone in a car.

Child safety around cars
Another area of tragedy involving children comes from the risk of “backover” and “frontover” incidents. According to, at least 100 children suffer backover or frontover injuries and 3-4 of those result in death… EACH WEEK. Most of these heartbreaking tragedies are preventable and occur in driveways and parking lots where unaware children are playing or walking near vehicles. Also to blame, drivers often forget to check their “blind zone.” The blind zone is the area around their car not visible from the driver’s seat, before moving their vehicle.

There are many common traits found in most backover and frontover incidents:

The majority of victims are younger children, with one-year-olds the most likely to be involved
Larger sized vehicles like trucks, vans, and SUVs are responsible for most occurrences
In 70% of the incidents, the person behind the wheel is a parent or close relative
There are several safety measures parents and other drivers can take to help save lives in driveways and parking lots:

Perform a quick walk around of your vehicle before moving it.
Know where your children are before moving your car, and if they are outside, have them stand away from the car in full view so you can easily see them.
Teach your children that parked cars might move at any moment and that drivers may not be able to see them. Make it clear that playing near a parked car is not okay.
Use supplemental rearview mirrors, convex mirrors, and/or backup cameras to help eliminate blind spots and reduce your blind zone.
When exiting your vehicle, hold your child’s hand right away.
Keep toys, bikes, and sports equipment out of the driveway.
Keep your keys out of reach of children, and lock your car at all times; even when in the garage. This easy to follow tips might make the difference in somebody life so share it and spread the word and remember to be safe!

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